Craig Smith, North West Leicestershire Parliamentary Spokesman, has grave concerns about the impact of scrapping the 'Winter Fuel Payment' for some of the most vulnerable members of our community, having been contacted my many local pensioners who are extremely worried about the financial impact this cruel policy will have upon them.
There are more than 18,000 pensioners in North West Leicestershire who may lose out on this important payment, for some it will be the difference between ‘Heating and Eating’. Age UK has called the withdrawal of the payments as “disastrous” and “a social injustice”.
He has written an open letter to our new MP, Amanda Hack, urging her to speak up for her residents and challenge her Governments policy in parliament.
Only those pensioners on Pension Credit can claim WFP. A single pensioner must be receiving less than £218.25 a week or under £332.95 for couples. We urge every pensioner across in NWL who thinks they may be eligible for pension credit to apply via:
0800 99 1234 (direct freephone line)
There are many pensioners that are eligible but for one reason or another do not claim pension credit, If you know someone who may be eligible, please do pass this information along to them.